December...a month for reflection

I love December, and this year is no different. December is a wonderful time for self-reflection.

One thing I have observed from coaching clients is that most folks don’t spend nearly enough time productively reflecting on the past. We just plow ahead from one thing to the next, checking things off of our "to do" list.

Then, when we do think of the past, we often fixate on “failures” and regret.

Consider the following questions as a way to make your reflection more productive and help you create better outcomes in the future. 

  1. Capture Lessons Learned: What have I learned about myself from my experiences? What do I want to do differently in the future? What do I want to leave behind as I enter the new year? What habits and practices do I want to take forward with me?

  2. Celebrate: What went right this year? What did I accomplish? What parts of myself did I draw on to make my wins possible? What am I grateful for?

  3. Grieving: What have I lost? What/who do I miss? How do I embrace the heartache and allow it to be a part of me in a healthy way?

Reflection is a critical part of the coaching process. If you're looking for a partner who can help you take what you've learned and design actions that will move you towards your vision, email me to schedule a discovery call.

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